AZS – how to take care of skin with special needs?

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic disease that affects many adults and children. How to deal with it? How to take care of a skin that has much higher requirements?
Atopic dermatitis is a chronic disease characterized by successive states of exacerbation and remission. With proper care, however, its symptoms can be alleviated. AZS is a chronic disease that occurs most often on an allergic background. In most cases, it manifests itself in early childhood. Recent data shows that this problem can affect even 20% of the population.
What is atopic dermatitis?
The most characteristic of this disease are:

  • excessive dryness of the skin
  • itching
  • in the acute stage, the skin can peel off, sometimes there is a large redness, and even papules and erosion of the cervix

Intense itching causes a desire to scratch, which, unfortunately, further worsens the skin condition and increases discomfort. Children who suffer from atopic dermatitis can be irritable, sentimental, and often have trouble sleeping. Skin changes can occur all over the body, but most often occur on the face, hands and feet.

How to treat AZS?
Although atopic inflammation cannot be completely cured, with proper care and proper skin care, its symptoms can be successfully managed. The condition, however, is the selection of the right cosmetics and compliance with many rules. Here are the main ones:

  • long-term bathing in hot water, it is better to replace a quick shower, under a stream of warm or slightly hot water.
  • if we choose a bath, it should not last longer than 10 minutes
  • when buying clothes, you should carefully check their composition – do not bet on natural, soft materials that will not be podrażniały skin (wool is definitely not specified)
  • it is also important to use appropriate detergents – it is best to choose products designed for allergy sufferers
  • atopowa skin should not be exposed to the harmful effects of sunlight – so you should use a cream with a filter at any time of the year
  • choosing a pool where the water is highly chlorinated, and this is invasive for the skin, it is good to lubricate the body with a protective cream. This is our emolientowa ointment

Skin Care atopowej
There are cosmetic products on the market designed for people suffering from AZS. They have a mild composition, deeply moisturize the skin, and also restore the damaged lipid layer. This is how our choice of medical products based on unrefined linseed oil works. It has strong care properties and creates a protective shell on the surface of the skin. It can be applied both on the face and on the body. Great for baby skin care atopowej.